Tuesday 11 June 2013

dll | lib | VS

The .lib in this context is not a static library. It is just a library which loads the dll.

VS project should know the name of .lib and location of .lib
linker ->input->dependencies (.lib)
general -> additional library directory  (directory of .lib)

If .lib is in the same directory as .exe , there is no need to mention directory of lib in VS.

The dll can be placed in system32 directory.
The dll can be placed in any directory, but that directory should be added in system path.
The dll can be in the same directory as the exe.

1) .exe and .lib is in same directory and .dll is in 
   a) system32
   b) any directory specified by PATH
   c) same directory as exe and lib

2) .exe is in one directory,  
    .lib is in some other directory (location specified in VS) and 
    .dll is in 
        a) system32
         b) any directory specified by PATH
         c) same directory as exe 
         d) same directory as lib

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